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  1. Medical Consultation and Evaluation: This involves initial consultations, medical examinations, and tests to assess the health of both the intended parent(s) and the egg donor.
  2. Egg Donor Selection: The cost may cover the process of selecting a suitable egg donor, including reviewing donor profiles, medical histories, and sometimes psychological assessments.
  3. Egg Retrieval: The package typically includes the surgical procedure to retrieve eggs from the donor’s ovaries. This involves a minor surgical procedure and is usually done under sedation.
  4. Fertilization and Embryo Development: The retrieved eggs are fertilized with sperm in a laboratory, and the resulting embryos are monitored for development.
  5. Embryo Transfer: Once viable embryos have developed, one or more are selected for transfer to the uterus of the intended parent(s) or gestational carrier.
  6. Medications: The cost covered the medications required for both the egg donor and the recipient to synchronize their menstrual cycles and prepare for the IVF process.
  7. Monitoring and Support: Regular monitoring of the donor’s and recipient’s progress through blood tests and ultrasounds is typically included. The package may also cover support services, such as counseling.
  8. Pregnancy Test and Early Monitoring: The initial pregnancy test and early monitoring may be part of the package.

Egg Donation service package in Iran

Fertility specialist(Reproductologist) consultation
Embryology Laboratory Services
Embryo transfer

Transfer airport-clinic-airport

Transfer clinic-hotel-clinic every days

English, Arabic, Russian

Airport to clinic
Clinic to airport

Hotel (apartments) near the clinic, billed daily

Visa assistance
required payment in advance

Medical Procedures
Fertility specialist(Reproductologist) consultation
Embryology Laboratory Services
Embryo transfer

Transfer airport-clinic-airport

Transfer clinic-hotel-clinic every days

Additional services

English, Arabic, Russian

Airport to clinic
Clinic to airport

Hotel (apartments) near the clinic, billed daily

Visa assistance
required payment in advance

IVF Egg Donation Success rate in IRAN

The success rate of IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) with egg donation can vary depending on several factors, including the age of the egg donor, the age of the recipient, the quality of the embryos, and the specific protocols and techniques used by the fertility clinic. Generally, success rates tend to be higher when using donor eggs compared to using the eggs of older women.

Success rates are often reported as the percentage of cycles that result in a live birth. It’s important to note that success rates can be influenced by various factors, and individual circumstances may vary. success rates for IVF with egg donation were generally higher than those for IVF using the patient’s own eggs, particularly for women of advanced maternal age.


how much is IVF egg donation in Iran ?

The cost of  IVF egg donation in Iran in the best fertility treatment centers is between $ 2,800 to $ 4,500.

What is the success rate of IVF in Iran?

IVF success rates with egg donation are generally higher compared to traditional IVF using the woman’s own eggs. The average success rate of IVF Egg donation in Iran for women under 35 years is about 50%, and with increasing age, it reaches about 20% in women over 40 years.

How are egg donors selected?

Egg donors are carefully selected based on factors such as their age, medical history, ovarian reserve, and genetic background. They undergo thorough screening, including physical exams, blood tests, genetic testing, and psychological evaluations, to ensure they are healthy and suitable candidates for egg donation.

Who might consider egg donation in IVF?

Egg donation may be considered by women who have experienced premature ovarian failure, poor egg quality, or have undergone treatments such as chemotherapy that have affected their ovarian function. It is also an option for older women who have difficulty conceiving with their own eggs.